Thomas Gallinari Apps

Toulouse Sports 1.0.1
Toulouse Sports s'appuie sur les donnéeslibérées par le Grand Toulouse pour recenser toutes lesinstallations sportives de la ville rose.Envie de faire un foot, un rugby, un basket improvisé mais vousne savez pas où se trouve le stade le plus proche ? Ne cherchezplus !L'application recense plus de 30 activités : athlétisme, aviron,badmington, baseball, basket, bi-cross, boxe, combat, danse,escalade, escrime, football, gymnastique, handball, hockey, judo,kayak, musculation, natation, patinage, pelote, plongée, pétanque,roller, rugby, skate, tennis, tennis de table, volley,water-polo.Sports Toulouse relies ondata released by the Greater Toulouse to identify all the sportsfacilities of the pink city.Fancy a football, rugby, basketball improvised one, but you donot know where the nearest point? Look no further!The application includes more than 30 activities: athletics,rowing, badminton, baseball, basketball, BMX, boxing, combat,dance, rock climbing, fencing, football, gymnastics, handball,hockey, judo, kayaking, weight training, swimming, skating , ball,diving, bowling, roller sports, rugby, skateboarding, tennis, tabletennis, volleyball, water polo.
Time Tracker 1.1.0
Time tracking made simple
Bus 31 Toulouse
Time for your bus in real time!